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It's that time a year when winter storms begin causing havoc across the United States, and when "rotating outages" are common to help sustain the electrical grid during intense cold periods. That mean ...

CO Poisoning kills 50 people every year in the UK and hundreds more worldwide. Known as the Silent Killer - because you can't see, taste, hear or touch it, carbon monoxide is produced from the incompl ...

I am the crime watch co-chairman for our neighborhood crime watch committee of our home owner's association. Instead of making a boring "do this, do that" video, I decided to make a funny video from t ...

There are many different things that could contribute to a power or gas outage or accident in your home. To be properly prepared for an emergency or other situations that endanger you, take a look at ...

Having an emergency power generator is a great way to be prepared for an emergency. With it, you can keep power flowing to the appliances you need the most. Take a look at this guide on how to properl ...

If you are concerned about radiation levels where you live, you are probably interested in using a Geiger counter to measure them. These videos will explain how to use a Geiger counter to measure radi ...

In this tutorial, we learn how to make your home safe and secure with tips from Lowe's. You should do a safety check on your house at least once a year. Start with the entryway, making sure you have a ...

Finding someone in a burning car is a scary emergency. Learn how to safely extract a person from a car fire after an accident. You'll need to be able to pull them through the windows, and if an ABC ex ...

Want to build a fire extinguisher using things you can find around the house? Science shows you how to properly apply technology to kitchen safety! Your main supplies for this project are a mayonnaise ...

Do you live in a dangerous neighborhood? Even if your area isn't known to be dangerous, it could still be a target of home burglaries. Don't let the thieves have the upper hand. Make sure the only thi ...